Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Met a goal

I met the goal of running 3.1 miles in under 24 minutes. I'm pretty pumped!

Psalm 32 message

Lord humble my heart to your spirit. I have prepared for this message, and mulled over this message, and thought about these verses for years, but that means nothing if you want me to do something else. I want to be sensitive to your call and your leading. Take this message and make it yours. Take me out of the way, and speak to the youth in a way only Your spirit can accomplish. I pray for the students that are at the end of their leash, striving as hard as they can to accomplish their own plans. I pray for myself. Lord show me where I am. I want to be where you want me, not forging ahead, but following behind you! Speak to my heart as you speak to those students hearts!
